
Saturday, June 23, 2012

Week 3- “Getting the Specifics”

This week I really narrowed down the actual specifics and how I planned to accomplish my action research plan. 

Description: I will explore what ways that implementing a focused tutorials curriculum will increase student achievement at Long Middle School.
Target Population: The target population is middle school students at my campus and other similar schools.
Sample Size: I will focus on my middle school, which has 600 students. My secondary research will be from the other middle school campus in my district and area with similar demographics.  This will give a large enough sample for the data to be compared and have a large enough sample size.
Research: I will begin my research by interviewing current students and teachers on my campus on the effectiveness of the current tutorials program and what changes that would like to see made. I will conduct classroom observations, specific moment in time date, and examine data throughout program. I will then re-interview teachers and students on their beliefs of the effectives of our tutorials curriculum. This will enable me to then interview other campus administrators on the effectives of a structured tutorials process and their current tutorials curriculum.

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